電子奉獻方式 Electronic Offering


In the midst of coronavirus outbreak, we recommend using electronic transactions for offerings.


1. 銀行轉帳 Electronic Funds Transfer

銀行 Bank: Westpac Bank

帳戶名稱 Account name: GracePoint Chinese Presbyterian Church

經常費戶口 General Fund: 032-000 274948

建堂基金戶口 Building Fund: 032-000 206603

大使命專款戶口 Great Commission Fund: 032-000 206611

陳萬綱伉儷神學教育基金 Mr and Mrs Ken BK Chen Theological Education Fund: 032-000 168547


2. 信用卡奉獻 Credit card 


Please click here to give by credit card.



For any enquires, please contact the church office.